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Curriculum Intent

Our mission statement is based around the two key elements - participation and performance. The PE department believes this can only be achieved through the following clear targets and standards:

  • High quality teaching and learning
  • High expectations in achievement levels and high standards of behaviour
  • Good curriculum organisation and planning with well-defined system of assessment, recording and reporting which is shared with the students
  • An extensive extra-curricular programme which offers equality of opportunity
  • Demonstration and promotion of healthy active lifestyles
  • Communicating a strong enthusiasm for our subject

We intend to provide all students with the following:

  • The opportunity to participate in Physical Education and Sport and for each individual to achieve their potential
  • Encouragement to form an intrinsic enjoyment of the arts, sport and physical education
  • Promotion of individuality and creativity
  • Promotion of participation and attainment within the whole spectrum of curricular and extra- curricular physical activity
  • Assistance to develop into adults with a lifetime commitment to sport and physical activity

PE - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Golden Threads - Diversity


KS1 – Lessons are co-educational and students are expected to take part in mixed gendered teams/ groups
in all activities. Games lessons in KS1 are taught by external coaches, both of which are male, providing a
sporting role model of a different gender for students in this key stage. We make a conscious effort to
challenge misconceptions and stereotypes in sport and physical activity through discussions.

KS2 – Lessons are co-educational and students are expected to take part in mixed gendered teams/ groups
in all activities. We make a conscious effort to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes in sport and
physical activity through discussions.

KS3 & 4 - We have a number of displays in senior school celebrating females in sport; Careers in sport
display depicting a number of successful women in a wide variety of sports-based careers; equality,
diversity and inclusion in sport display; Women’s football display in B3; Female cyclist display in B3. We
make a conscious effort to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes in sport and physical activity through

GCSE PE - We ensure that a wide variety of names are used in example exam questions; We use a wide
variety of sporting examples within topics that represent the diverse community in which we teach (eg.
Both male and female sportspeople from a variety of races, backgrounds, religions, sexuality, disability etc),
not only to allow our students to relate to those people used in examples, but also to develop an
awareness of the breadth of people involved in sport; We make a conscious effort to challenge
misconceptions and stereotypes in sport and physical activity through discussions.

Golden Threads - Cultural Capital

KS1-4 – We have developed a number of theory-based lessons around sporting role models that are shared
with students during winter months when physical PE lessons become disrupted by poor weather
conditions, providing students with a wider appreciation for sport and physical activity in the news, current
affairs, and in history. We encourage students to attend extra-curricular club to broaden their experiences
in sport and physical activities and have a number of links established with external sports clubs and
facilities to encourage participation outside of school.

GCSE PE – We make a conscious effort to involve students in discussions about current affairs in sport,
linking recent events to relevant GCSE topics in discussions, and to encourage a deeper interest in sport
and physical activity outside of their GCSE study. Lessons include recommendations for further learning
opportunities (eg. Links to extended knowledge videos, recommendations for activities that can be
completed outside of school).

Golden Threads - Vocabulary

KS1-4 - This is embedded in the day-to-day teaching across the primary phase in the following ways;
Highlighting key words and phrases both verbally throughout lessons, and in display on whiteboards, wall
display materials and resources. Use of subject specific terminology is modelled correctly eg. Stating
badminton is played with a racket not a bat. Students are encouraged to share and discuss their personal
lesson targets (from KPI displays) with peers and teacher in lessons.

GCSE PE - The meaning of Key words is discussed within questions and throughout topics; Emphasis on
spelling correctly and use of subject specific terminology is modelled correctly; Students read out aloud text
and questions regularly within lessons.